The trailer for Michael Bay s brand-new movie is below-- and also it s pure Bayhem

Michael Bay s back with a brand-new movie-- and also the trailer is as explosive as you would anticipate from the blockbuster maestro.

Rescue, based upon the 2005 Danish movie of the very same name, fixate Jake Gyllenhaal and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II s two bank robbers. On a break-in, things turn southern quickly, and they end up stealing an ambulance with a wounded law enforcement officer on board. Eiza González s initial responder is participating in the police officer and soon comes to be a captive to both burglars.

Planet LA - Michael Bay

Although much of the movie happens on the rescue, Bay s taken care of to get more than a couple of explosions into the trailer-- just envision what that indicates when the movie goes down in February? We re chatting pure Bayhem.

Talking to United States Today concerning the movie, Gyllenhaal teased the wild shoot. I d heard all these fantastic tales about Michael Bay as well as what it resembles functioning with him, he said. He s wild, male, but I love him. Driving around the roads of L.A. at like 100 miles per hr, shooting guns at helicopters. There are several stories out of that movie that are actually enjoyable and crazy.

Bay s latest directorial initiative was the Netflix movie 6 Below ground, starring Ryan Reynolds. That, too, was an explosive action thriller that caught the world s focus-- grabbing massive seeing numbers on Netflix regardless of adverse testimonials (even the head of Netflix admitted they didn t obtain there creatively on the movie).

From the Ambulance trailer, it s resembling an additional Bay-tastic movie that will certainly be a hit with target markets, much less so with doubters. However maybe what we all need now is some explosive action to remove our tympanums. The movie reaches movie theaters on February 18-- for even more, examine out the most interesting upcoming flicks heading your means over the coming months.


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