Immortal shooter: fans keep game 17 years after release alive

The sequential list of first individual capturing games details the first-person shooting video games (FPS) sorted by chronological order.

she thought her stream was off...

Not all shooter fans delight only for COD, Battlefield or Counter-Strike: A very special shooter community has been a real FPS classic for 17 years and even develops it on the last, fan-operated multiplayer server even further.

Far Cry until the last day: fans live the passion of the developer

The Far Cry series has their deserved place in the shooter genre — even if it goes uphill with each other part and downhill. Whether developer Ubisoft with Far Cry 6 will perfect or promote its formula around Open World, Shooting and Charismatic Evils, that remains to be seen. What many players have forgotten over the years: The original Far Cry of 2004 once belonged to developers Creek and at the same time his players who could co-develop the shooter about the software development kit provided.

Today, 17 years later, any online support is switched off and Far Cry seemingly forgotten. Not quite, as the passion of the fans continues. We got the opportunity to visit the last major multiplayer server LRV3, which is operated by the players DKR! Ever and Aaron. In the lower video we take you there and present you a community that will not only receive your shooter by playing by the last day, but always developed.

Note The player: Far Cry can still be played online without fan aid. However, you need your IP address and a cumbersome console input to match the servers. The provided LRV3 patch provides some comfort functions that make playing easier.

On the homepage you will find all the information about the project and also upcoming updates as well as tournaments. According to the server operator, the LRV3 community includes 100 players from all countries. Typical for shooter fans, the selection of the weapons set makes the largest crude topic on the server. Preferably, the Assault mode mentioned in the video is played there, which represents a large unique selling point of Far Cry.

Provides your knowledge of the FAR CRY series in our quiz:

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The forgotten Far Cry multiplayer lives not only through his players, he is constantly evolving by them, in the sense of the basic idea of ​​UR developers Creek. We thank you for the opportunity to admire the last server fortress and wish the players all the best and above all good precision!


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